
Sunday 19th November 2017
Understanding your menstrual cycle and the date that you are likely to be ovulating can increase your chances of conceiving. Ovulation usually happens around two weeks before your period starts1, and you are most likely to conceive if you have plenty of sex in the days prior to this.
Common signs of ovulation
As ovulation approaches you may notice some physical changes. These include:
- An increase in vaginal mucus, along with a change in consistency which may make it look like egg white
- A slightly raised temperature
- Abdominal pain
- Tender breasts
- Spotting
- Feeling bloated
- Charting your temperature
Prior to ovulation your body temperature drops a little, then rises by around 0.2°C after ovulation. Recording your basal body temperature (this is your resting body temperature) with a special thermometer first thing in the morning, before you get up or even speak, can help establish when you're most fertile. Remember, it's the few days before your temperature rises that are important.
Ovulation kits
Alternatively you can buy ovulation kits from larger chemists or supermarkets. These test for raised levels of luteinising hormone (LH), which can be detected in your urine just before ovulation.
To get the most accurate date, you need to know the average length of your menstrual cycle and the day that your last period started.
Good Luck, let the fun begin:)